Results Matter! 

There are lots of 'garden design courses' online but they DON'T teach Rachel's tried and tested formula...

A formula which enables complete amateurs to get good results quickly.

Here are some of Rachel's students' results...

Ingrid's Garden

Ingrid lives in Canada and she was 68 when she did the Great Garden Formula Course. She not only designed the garden but built it herself too!

Christine's Garden

Chris lives in the UK and she did the Small Garden Formula Course at age 69! Here's what she started with and how it turned out...

Sam's Garden

Sam also lives in the UK and she did the PRO Great Garden Formula and the Planting Plan Formula Courses. She loved it so much that she went on to become a professional garden designer running her own consultancy and has recently won a medal at the Chelsea Flower Show in London with her water conservation garden.

Wolfgang's Garden

Wolfgang lives in Germany and designed and built the garden himself over a couple of years at the weekends. He did the Great Garden Formula Course...

Rebeca's garden

This garden belongs to Rebeca Brenes a forestry engineer from Costa Rica. While Rebeca knew about plants, there wasn't garden design training in her country. She did the PRO Great Garden Formula Course and is now designing gardens professionally.

Anne's garden

Anne and her husband live in Melbourne, Australia and here's the garden they designed and built themselves after doing the Small Garden Formula Course...

Zakes' garden

Zakes is a flight attendant from South Africa who'd been inspired by the gardens he visited around the world. He'd had 5 failed attempts at landscaping his garden. But after he did the Great Garden Formula Course this is what he achieved... 

Ana's garden

Ana is in Madrid and has a triangular courtyard garden that she has redesigned after doing the Small Garden Formula Course...

Andrew & Jill's Garden

After spending 2 years renovating their house in the UK, Andrew and Jill took Rachel's Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course and transformed their back garden...

Sander's Garden

Sander lives in Holland and had no previous design experience and did the Great Garden Formula Course...

David & Margaret's Garden

David is our oldest design student - 80 years of age when he designed and built this garden himself after doing the Small Garden Formula Course...

Chris & Kate's Garden

Chris & Kate had tried for 2 years to design their garden without success until they did the Fast-Track Garden Design Course...

Hilary & Andy's Garden

Hilary had no garden experience at all and did the Small Garden Formula Course...

Jude's Garden

Jude did the Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course and with help from a friend built the garden herself...

Pamela's Garden

Pamela lives in NSW, Australia with her husband, two children and two dogs. She did the Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course... 

Ruth's Garden

Ruth lives in Suffolk, UK. She did the Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course... 

Simon & Imi's Garden

Simon moved to Portugal and purchased a home with a very neglected garden. he did the Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course... 

Pat's Garden

Pat lives in the UK and did the Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course... 

Frances' Garden

Frances lives in the UK and did the Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course... 

Irish Garden

The couple designed and built their garden after doing the Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course... 

Deb's Daughter's Garden

Deb designed this garden for her daughter after doing did the Small Garden Design Formula Course... 

Karin's Garden

Karin had lived in the house 20 years before she decided to design and landscaping her garden after doing the Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course... 

Barbara's Garden

Barbara designer her garden after doing the Fast-Track Garden Design Formula Course... 

But what about the course tutor? Is Rachel a good designer?

You can be the judge of that. Here's a small selection of her work... 

Attend one of Rachel's FREE online garden design classes